At CNS, the Academic Guidance Counselling (AGC) team comprises of highly experienced professionals who provide students with career guidance and assist them in making appropriate choices for higher education both in India and abroad. The process of career guidance at CNS begins at grade 9 by taking the aptitude test to ascertain the personality of the students and their possible career options. The aim of the team is to help the students make informed educational and career choices.
Through the year the AGC team has interactive sessions like seminars, one on one sessions and workshops with students that help students build their profile. Grade 9,10 and 11 students are provided with assistance to appear for examination like PSAT, SAT, ACT, IELTS and TOEFL.

Academic Guidance
Counselling (AGC) team
Activities associated with Academic Guidance Counselling:
Guidance for appropriate subject selection, interest mapping to choice of country and course for higher education internationally and within India.
Advising learners and parents on high school programs and academic curriculum, preparing them for college application and admission.
Building resumes, which include test and grades results, examples of student work, and extracurricular activities.
Facilitating Recommendation letters for college and university applications.
Organizing a comprehensive Career Fair with representatives from various universities.
Providing specialized counseling and intervention services to provide learners with individualized attention.
Organizing regular visits by delegates from national and international universities.